Report from Johi-Dadu said that pressure of floodwaters at ‘ring bund’ had eased to a great extent but land route between Johi and Dadu remained cut off by floodwaters. People are still using boats to shuttle between Dadu and flooded towns to provide food, water and other necessities of life to their marooned families and relatives.
Hundreds of flood-victim families around Mehar-Dadu held a protest demonstration at Ghanta Ghar Chowk for relief goods and medical facilities. They said they badly needed medical assistance and medicines for children and women suffering from different water-borne diseases.
A two-foot fall was recorded at the ring bund around the Mehar taluka and around 1.5 feet at Johi town. Manchar, the country’s largest freshwater lake which has been overflowing for the past few weeks, also saw a slight reduction in its level.
Although the major urban centres of Dadu and Jamshoro districts appear to be past the flood threat, the rural parts of both the districts, like most other districts of Sindh, are still under eight to 10 feet of water.