Malaria, Dengue, Diarrhea, Gastro, Throat & Skin Disease rose sharply in flood-hit District of Sindh

KARACHI: After catastrophe floods the number of malaria, dengue, diarrhea, gastro, throat and skin disease cases rose sharply in flood-hit districts of Sindh, as accumulated flood water provided suitable environment to mosquitoes for breeding.

Despite many efforts of the Sindh government malaria is yet to be eliminated from the province and each year it claims hundreds of lives, say Dr. Nisar Bozdar that earlier these cases of malaria had been on decline but the heavy floods of this year and recent rain sent the number of malaria cases in districts soaring.

Talking to, he told that during the current month more than 4042 malaria, 1098 dengue, 6625 gastro, 2022 diarrhea, 6,270 skin, 450 eye and 9533 throat infection suspected cases  had been reported in province Sindh.

“The outbreak of malaria takes place every year after rainfall due to which thousands of people get affected while many people also die of this disease,” he added.

The symptoms of typhoid, malaria and dengue fever resemble one another, which is why complications take place during treatment if the disease not properly diagnosed. He said to avoid these complications the treatment must be given after a proper diagnosis. He said that there are four kinds of malaria which takes place when a female mosquito bites before laying eggs.

He said that there are more than 400 types of mosquitoes and it needs hectic efforts to eliminate them. He said that mosquito nets will be distributed among the rain-effecters that would remain in working condition for at least five years.